“If the world does not exist, invent it; but first, be sure it does not exist.” Charles Baudelaire



(2025) Maggi, Gianpaolo, Raggioli, Luca, Rossi, Alessandra, Rossi, Silvia (2025). Assessment of Distraction and the Impact on Technology Acceptance of Robot Monitoring Behaviour in Older Adults Care. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING, p. 1-14, ISSN: 1949-3045, doi: 10.1109/taffc.2025.3539015

(2025) Alessandra Rossi, Silvia Rossi, Maria Di Maro, Antonio Origlia (2025). BRILLO: Personalised HRI with a Bartender Robot. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ROBOTICS, ISSN: 1875-4791, doi: 10.1007/s12369-025-01228-3

(2025) Raffaella Esposito, Alessandra Rossi, Silvia Rossi (2025). Deception in HRI and its Implications: a Systematic Review. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON HUMANROBOT INTERACTION, ISSN: 2573-9522, doi: 10.1145/3721297

(2025) Luca Raggioli, Raffaella Esposito, Alessandra Rossi, Silvia Rossi (2025). Exploring the Role of Robot’s Movements for a Transparent Affective Communication. IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, ISSN: 2377-3766, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2025.3548412

(2025) Georgios Angelopoulos, Luigi Mangiacapra, Alessandra Rossi, Claudia Di Napoli, Silvia Rossi, What is behind the curtain? Increasing transparency in reinforcement learning with human preferences and explanations, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 149, 2025, 110520, ISSN 0952-1976, doi:10.1016/j.engappai.2025.110520.


(2025) Raffaella Esposito, Alessandra Rossi, Michela Ponticorvo, Silvia Rossi (2025). RoboLeaks: Non-strategic Cues for Leaking Deception in Social Robots. In: IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. ACM/IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-ROBOT INTERACTION, p. 1111-1120, ISSN: 2167-2121



(2024) Rossi, Alessandra, Paetzel-Prüsmann, Maike, Keijsers, Merel, Anderson, Michael, Anderson, Susan Leigh, Barry, Daniel, Gutsche, Jan, Hart, Justin, Iocchi, Luca, Kokkelmans, Ainse, Kuijpers, Wouter, Liu, Yun, Polani, Daniel, Roscon, Caleb, Scheunemann, Marcus, Stone, Peter, Vahl, Florian, van de Molengraft, René, von Stryk, Oskar (2024). The human in the loop Perspectives and challenges for RoboCup 2050. AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS, vol. 48, ISSN: 0929-5593, doi: 10.1007/s10514-024-10159-3

(2024) Lambiase, P.D., Rossi, A. & Rossi, S. A Two-Tier GAN Architecture for Conditioned Expressions Synthesis on Categorical Emotions. Int J of Soc Robotics 16, 1247–1263 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-023-00973-7


(2024) Angelopoulos G., Imparato P., Rossi A., Rossi S. (2024). Using Theory of Mind in Explanations for Fostering Transparency in Human-Robot Interaction. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 14454, p. 394-405, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, ISBN: 978-981-99-8717-7, ISSN: 0302- 9743, qat, 2023, doi: 10.1007/978-981-99-8718-4_34

(2024) Grimaldi, Carmine, Rossi, Alessandra, Rossi, Silvia (2024). I am Part of the Robot’s Group: Evaluating Engagement and Group Membership from Egocentric Views. In: IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, RO-MAN. IEEE RO-MAN, p. 1774-1779, IEEE Computer Society, ISSN: 1944-9445, Pasadena Convention Center, usa, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ro-man60168.2024.10731376

(2024) Rossi, Alessandra, Falcone, Giovanni, Rossi, Silvia (2024). It Is the Way You Lie: Effects of Social Robot Deceptions on Trust in an Assistive Robot. In: IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, RO-MAN. IEEE RO-MAN, p. 1106-1111, IEEE Computer Society, ISSN: 1944-9445, Pasadena Convention Center, usa, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ro-man60168.2024.10731172

(2024) Rossi, Alessandra, Rossi, Silvia (2024). On the Way to a Transparent HRI. In: UMAP 2024 – Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. p. 215-219, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, ita, 2024, doi: 10.1145/3631700.3664890

(2024) Pramanick, Pradip, Raggioli, Luca, Rossi, Alessandra, Rossi, Silvia (2024). Effects of Incoherence in Multimodal Explanations of Robot Failures. In: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. p. 6-10, Association for computing machinery, cri, 2024, doi: 10.1145/3686215.3690155



(2023) A. Rossi, K. Dautenhahn, K. L. Koay, M. L. Walters, A matter of consequences: Understanding the effects of robot errors on people’s trust in HRI, Interaction Studies, Volume 24, Issue 3, Dec 2023, p. 380 – 421, https://doi.org/10.1075/is.21025.ros

(2023) S. Rossi, A. Coppola, M. Gaita and A. Rossi, Human-Robot Interaction Video Sequencing Task (HRIVST) for Robot’s Behaviour Legibility, IEEE Transactions on Human Machine Systems, 10.1109/THMS.2023.3327132


(2023) Angelopoulos, G., Rossi, A., L’Arco, G., Rossi, S. (2022). Transparent Interactive Reinforcement Learning Using Emotional Behaviours. In: Cavallo, F., et al. Social Robotics. ICSR 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13817. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-24667-8_27

(2023) Chandran Nair, N., Rossi, A., Rossi, S. (2024). Impact of Explanations on Transparency in HRI: A Study Using the HRIVST Metric. In: Ali, A.A., et al. Social Robotics. ICSR 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 14453 . Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-8715-3_15

(2023) Rossi, A., Menna, C., Giordano, E., Rossi, S. (2024). Evaluating Customers’ Engagement Preferences for Multi-party Interaction with a Robot Bartender. In: Ali, A.A., et al. Social Robotics. ICSR 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 14454. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-8718-4_32

(2023) G. Angelopoulos, A. Rossi and S. Rossi, “Robot Behaviours for Transparent Human-Robot Interaction”, I-RIM 2023

(2023) A. Rossi and S. Rossi, “BRILLO: Personalised Behaviours for a Long-term HRI”, I-RIM 2023

(2023) S. Rossi, A. Rossi and S. Sangiovanni, ” Towards the Evaluation of the Role of Embodiment in Emotions Elicitation”, International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2023, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/ACIIW59127.2023.10388100

(2023) G. Angelopoulos, C. D. Martino, A. Rossi and S. Rossi, “Unveiling the Learning Curve: Enhancing Transparency in Robot’s Learning with Inner Speech and Emotions,” 2023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Busan, Korea, Republic of, 2023, pp. 1922-1927, doi: 10.1109/RO-MAN57019.2023.10309352

(2023) A. Rossi, K. L. Koay and S. Rossi, “Evaluating People’s Perception of Trust and Privacy based on Robot’s Appearance,” 2023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Busan, Korea, Republic of, 2023, pp. 1928-1933, doi: 10.1109/RO-MAN57019.2023.10309402.

(2023) A. Rossi and S. Rossi, “Evaluating People’s Perception of Trust of a Deceptive Robot with Theory of Mind in an Assistive Gaming Scenario,” 2023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Busan, Korea, Republic of, 2023, pp. 18-23, doi: 10.1109/RO-MAN57019.2023.10309647.

(2023) S. Bagchi, P. Holthaus, G. Beraldo, E. Senft, D. Hernández García, Z. Han, S. K. Jayaraman, A. Rossi, C. Esterwood, A. Andriella and P. Pridham. Towards Improved Replicability of Human Studies in Human-Robot Interaction: Recommendations for Formalized Reporting. In Companion of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI ’23 Companion), March 13–16, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3568294.3580162


(2023) A. Rossi, R. Esposito, D. Marocco and S. Rossi, “ERROR: Evaluating tRust weaRing Off in Robots”, MULTITTRUST: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Human-AI Team Trust Workshop at the Human-Agent Interaction – HAI conference 2023

(2023) Patrick Holthaus and Alessandra Rossi, “Common (good) practices measuring trust in HRI”, SCRITA Workshop at IEEE RO-MAN 2023 conference, arXiv:2311.12182



(2022) Angelopoulos, G., Rossi, A., L’Arco, G., Rossi, S. (2022). Transparent Interactive Reinforcement Learning Using Emotional Behaviours. In: , et al. Social Robotics. ICSR 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13817. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-24667-8_27

(2022) Vigni, F., Rossi, A., Miccio, L., Rossi, S. (2022). On the Emotional Transparency of a Non-humanoid Social Robot. In: , et al. Social Robotics. ICSR 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13817. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-24667-8_26

(2022) G. Angelopoulos, A. Rossi, C. D. Napoli and S. Rossi, “You Are In My Way: Non-verbal Social Cues for Legible Robot Navigation Behaviors,” 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022, pp. 657-662, doi: 10.1109/IROS47612.2022.9981754.

(2022) A. Rossi, N. Elizabeth John, G. Taglialatela and S. Rossi, “Generating Emotional Gestures for Handling Social Failures in HRI”. 2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2022, pp. 1399-1404, doi: 10.1109/RO-MAN53752.2022.9900637.

(2022) I. Cucciniello, G. L’Arco, A. Rossi, C. Autorino, G. Santoro and S. Rossi, “ClassMate Robot: A Robot to Support Teaching and Learning Activities in Schools”. 2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2022, pp. 906-911, doi: 10.1109/RO-MAN53752.2022.9900576.

(2022) A. Rossi, A. Andriella, S. Rossi, C. Torras and G. Alenyà, “Evaluating the Effect of Theory of Mind on People’s Trust in a Faulty Robot”. 2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2022, pp. 477-482, doi: 10.1109/RO-MAN53752.2022.9900695.

(2022) G. Angelopoulos, F. Vigni, A. Rossi, G. Russo, M. Turco and S. Rossi, “Familiar Acoustic Cues for Legible Service Robots”. 2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2022, pp. 1187-1192, doi: 10.1109/RO-MAN53752.2022.9900699

(2022) B. Bucci, A. Rossi and S. Rossi, “Action Unit Generation through Dimensional Emotion Recognition from Text”. 2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2022, pp. 1071-1076, doi: 10.1109/RO-MAN53752.2022.9900535.

(2022) Alessandra Rossi, Alessandro Caputo, Alessio Scafora, and Silvia Rossi. 2022. Investigating Customers’ Preferences of Robot’s Serving Styles. In Proceedings of the 2022 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI ’22). IEEE Press, 1017–1020, 10.1109/HRI53351.2022.9889629.


(2022) Nitha Elizabeth John, Alessandra Rossi, and Silvia Rossi. 2022. Personalized Human-Robot Interaction with a Robot Bartender. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP ’22 Adjunct). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 155–159. https://doi.org/10.1145/3511047.3537686


(2022) Rossi, A., Di Maro, M., Origlia, A. and Rossi, S., 2022. A ROS Architecture for Personalised HRI with a Bartender Social Robot. arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.06631.



(2021) M. Staffa, A. Rossi, B. Bucci, D. Russo, and S. Rossi. “Shall I Be Like You? Investigating Robot’s Personalities and Occupational Roles for Personalised HRI”. In: Li H. et al. (eds) Social Robotics. ICSR 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13086. Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-90525-5_63

(2021) A.Rossi, M. M. Scheunemann, G. L’Arco, and S. Rossi. “Evaluation of a Humanoid Robot’s Emotional Gestures for Transparent Interaction”, in In: Li H. et al. (eds) Social Robotics. ICSR 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13086. Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-90525-5_34

(2021) A. Rossi, G. Perugia, and S. Rossi. “Customers’ perception of sensitivity of info shared with a robot bartender”, In: Li H. et al. (eds) Social Robotics. ICSR 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13086. Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-90525-5_11

(2021) G. Perugia, A. Rossi, and S. Rossi. “Gender Revealed: Evaluating the Genderedness of Furhat’s Predefined Faces.” In: Li H. et al. (eds) Social Robotics. ICSR 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13086. Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-90525-5_4

(2021) A. Rossi and S. Rossi, “BRILLO: Investigating the Complex Role of a Robot in the Service Industry”, in 3rd edition 2021 I-RIM conference, October 8-10, 2021, Rome (Italy) https://proceedings.i-rim.it/

(2021) A. Rossi, M. Raiano and S. Rossi, “Affective, Cognitive and Behavioural Engagement Detection for Human-robot Interaction in a Bartending Scenario,” 2021 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2021, pp. 208-213, doi: 10.1109/RO-MAN50785.2021.9515435.

(2021) A. Rossi, M. Staffa, A. Origlia, M. di Maro, and S. Rossi, 2021, “BRILLO: A Robotic Architecture for Personalised Long-lasting Interactions in a Bartending Domain”, In Companion of the 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI ’21 Companion). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 426-429. DOI: 10.1145/3434074.3447206


(2021) A. Rossi and S. Rossi. 2021, “Engaged by a Bartender Robot: Recommendation and Personalisation in Human-Robot Interaction”. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP ’21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 115-119. DOI: 10.1145/3450614.3463423

(2021) A. Rossi, V. Giura, C. Di Leva and S. Rossi. I Know What You Would Like to Drink: Benefits and Detriments of Sharing Personal Info with a Bartender Robot. TRAITS Workshop Proceedings held in conjunction with Companion of the 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, March 2021, pages 709-711, eprint: arXiv:2103.13337



(2020) S.Rossi, A. Rossi and K. Dautenhahn, The Secret Life of Robots: Perspectives and Challenges for a Social Robot’s Behaviours During Non-Interactive Tasks. International Journal of Social Robotics. doi: 10.1007/s12369-020-00650-z, ISSN: 1875-4791


(2020) A. Rossi, K. Dautenhahn, K.L. Koay and M.L. Walters, P. Holthaus, Evaluating people’s perceptions of trust in a robot in a repeated interactions study, In: Wagner A.R. et al. (eds) Social Robotics. ICSR 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12483. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-62056-1_38

(2020) A. Rossi, K. Dautenhahn, K.L. Koay and M.L. Walters, How Social Robots Influence People’s Trust in Critical Situations. The 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication, pp. 1020-1025, doi: 10.1109/RO-MAN47096.2020.9223471, ISSN: 1944-9437, Naples, Italy



(2019) A. Rossi, S. Moros, K. Dautenhahn, K.L. Koay and M.L. Walters, Getting to know Kaspar: Effects of people’s awareness of a robot’s capabilities on their trust in the robot. IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), New Delhi, India

(2019) A. Rossi, F. Garcia, A. Cruz Maya, K. Dautenhahn, K. L. Koay, M. L. Walters and A. K. Pandey. Investigating the Effects of Social Interactive Behaviours of a Robot on People’s Trust During a Navigation Task. In: Althoefer K., Konstantinova J., Zhang K. (eds) Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems. TAROS 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11649. Springer, Cham


(2019) A. Rossi, K. Dautenhahn, K.L. Koay and M.L. Walters, Evaluating the effects of an autonomous robot’s social behaviours on people’s trust. IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)

(2019) A. Rossi, K. Dautenhahn, K.L. Koay and M.L. Walters, Investigating human perceptions of trust and social cues in robots for safe HRI, Personal robotics and secure human-robot collaboration Workshop, IEEE ICDL- EPIROB, Oslo, Norway

Technical papers

(2019) M. M. Scheunemann, S. G. van Dijk, R. Miko, D. Barry, G. M. Evans, A. Rossi, and D. Polani. Bold Hearts Team Description for RoboCup 2019 (Humanoid Kid Size League), University of Hertfordshire, UK



(2018) A. Rossi, K. Dautenhahn, K., Koay and M.L. Walters, The impact of peoples’ personal dispositions and personalities on their trust of robots in an emergency scenario. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 9(1), pp. 137-154


(2018) A. Rossi, K. Dautenhahn, K. L. Koay and M. L. Walters, Investigating human perception of trust and social cues in robots for safe HRI in home environments, International PhD Conference on Safe and Social Robotics (SSR-2018), Madrid, 29-30 September 2018

(2018) A. Rossi, P. Holthaus, K. Dautenhahn, K. L. Koay, and M. L. Walters. Getting to know Pepper: Effects of people’s awareness of a robot’s capabilities on their trust in the robot. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 246-252


(2018) A. Rossi, P. Holthaus, K. Dautenhahn, K.L. Koay and M.L. Walters, Programming Pepper: What can you make a humanoid robot do?, 3rd Workshop on Behaviour Adaptation, Interaction and Learning for Assistive Robotics – IEEE-RO-MAN 2018, 27 – 31 of August 2018, Nanjing, China



(2017) A. Rossi, K. Dautenhahn, K. L. Koay, M. L. Walters, How the Timing and Magnitude of Robot Errors Influence Peoples’ Trust of Robots in an Emergency Scenario. In: Kheddar A. et al. (eds) Social Robotics. ICSR 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10652. Springer, Cham

(2017) A. Rossi, K. Dautenhahn, K. L. Koay, M. L. Walters, Human Perceptions of the Severity of Domestic Robot Errors. In: Kheddar A. et al. (eds) Social Robotics. ICSR 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10652. Springer, Cham

(2017) B. Byrne, A. Rossi and M. Doolan, Humanoid Robots attending Lectures – Research Informed Teaching, 9th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers (ICETC 2017), Barcelona, Spain. December 20-22, 2017

(2017) B. Byrne and A. Rossi, Research Informed Teaching – Pepper the Robot attends Lectures, 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, pp. 2963, Barcelona, Spain, July 3-5, 2017.

(2017) A. Rossi, K. Dautenhahn, K. L. Koay and J. Saunders, Investigating human perceptions of trust in robots for safe HRI in home environments, Human-Robot Interaction Pioneers Workshop in conjunction with the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, March, 2017.

Technical Papers

(2017) M. M. Scheunemann, S. G. van Dijk, A. Rossi, D. Barry, and D. Polani. Bold Hearts Team Description RoboCup 2018 Kid Size. University of Hertfordshire, UK



(2016) S. Rossi, F. Barile, A. Caso and A. Rossi, Pre–trip Ratings and Social Networks User Behaviors for Recommendations in Touristic Web Portals, In WEBIST2015 Selected and Revised Papers, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), Springer-Verlag.

(2016) A. Rossi, M. Staffa and S. Rossi, Supervisory Control of Multiple Robots through Group Communication, Special Issue on Cognitive Agents and Robots for Human-Centred Systems, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems (IEEE TCDS). 2016


(2016) S. Rossi, C. Di Napoli, F. Barile, A. Rossi, M. Staffa, Negotiating and Executing Composite Tasks for QoS-aware Teams of Robots, in 14th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi- Agent Systems (PAAMS’16).



(2015) F. Barile, A. Rossi, M. Staffa, C. Di Napoli and S. Rossi, QoS–aware task distribution to a team of robots: a Health–care case study, Intelligenza Artificiale (IOS Press), September 2015.


(2015) A. Rossi, M. Staffa, A. Origlia and S. Rossi, An Analysis of Perceptual Cues in Robot Group Selection Tasks, In Proceedings of The 24st International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO–MAN2015), August 31–September 4, 2015, Kobe, Japan.


(2015) F. Barile, A. Rossi, M. Staffa, C. Di Napoli and S. Rossi, A Market Mechanism for QoS–aware Multi– Robot Task Allocation, in Proceedings of the 16st Workshop From Objects to Agents WOA15, CEUR Workshop Proceedings (1382), pp. 129-134, 2015.


Technical Papers

(2011) A. Rossi and G. Schmid, DS2OS Deliverable B – Operating System Technologies, ICAR-CNR, Napoli, January 18, 2011. http://www.na.icar.cnr.it/consulta.php?mode=due&id=49

(2011) A. Rossi and G. Schmid, DS2OS Deliverable D – Running Environment Design, ICAR-CNR, Napoli, January 18, 2011. http://www.na.icar.cnr.it/consulta.php?mode=due&id=51



(2009) A. Rossi, G. Schmid, L. Tamburo and M. Sommella, An Infrastructure for simplifying the management of large distributed collaborative environments, LISA’09 – 23st Large Installation System Admin Conference, November 1–6 2009, Baltimore, MD, USA.